breast slapping - page 1

  • Having Fun With Emily

    Buy shorts from this here, here, here, here, and here.

    Emily is _adorably_ cute. We didn't particularly plan out this shoot, just played with the stuff we both like. Lots of play with sharp metal things, impact on sensitive bits, etc. Much of the first part of the shoot she's not restrained at all, on purpose so I could watch her struggle to hold still while I did terrible things to her. ^-^ She was a good girl but did squeak and squirm quite a bit, so eventually some bondage was needed. Once she was pretty immobile, I told her to shake her tits for me or I'd do more mean things. That was of course grossly unfair, but she did her best.

    The second part of the scene included a first for Emily (imagine, she'd never had someone smear tiger balm in her asshole). This got intense pretty fast, but we were able to recover nicely. We finished with some unique uses for flash cotton, read on for details...

    I've got a friend who's been experimenting with spinning flash cotton into thread. Months (and months and months) before this shoot, Emily and I had played very briefly off-camera with setting the thread on her and igniting it. She'd thought this was just the coolest thing since sliced bread, but moved away before we could play further. She came back for a visit and this shoot, and she was _really_ excited to have a chance to play with it some more. It worked quite well, we used it a few different ways. I think my favorite was having her sitting on the floor to light for herself the end of a long 'fuse' running along the floor to her feet, then back up along her leg to a pile of loose flash cotton sitting on her pubic mound. Taking an action to initiate something you're scared of is a lot tougher than having someone do it for you, and she also had plenty of time to think about it while the fuse burned. Fear is hot.

    IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE: This was fun and sexy, Emily had a (ahem) blast and wants to do it again, but I think I'd stick to loose cotton if I were to do this another time. Spinning the flash cotton down to thread means it burns slower. That's handy for psychological effects involving duration, but means there's more heat transferred. The sensation is thus more intense (which Emily also liked), but also involves a greater risk of burns. We'd played with it before and she'd had no marks, but this scene left some surface marking that I gather took a few weeks to go away.

    IMPORTANT SAFETY DISCLAIMER: Fire burns. Don't play with fire without knowing the risks and how to mitigate them to a level that's acceptable to the _informed_ consent of everyone involved. Reading a couple articles on the Internet is really not adequate research! If there's a BDSM group in your area, find someone who knows what they're doing in real life, and learn from them. There's a book out there (link), but it's not the same thing- learn and practice with a person if you want to do this.

  • Nikki On Stage

    Buy shorts from this here, here, here, and here.

    This is one of my favorite scenes we've done. As we know, I'm generally much more about roughhousing than bondage, but I had a couple ideas for this shoot. We got some hot bondage positions and some _great_ play out of it. Nikki works as a dancer, we rented a local club to shoot in. Started with a lap dance with a little more contact than usual *g*, then chained her up against the pole, then took advantage of the railings and platform to put her into two bondage positions that served my kinks perfectly.

    The rest of the scene was fun, but I'm going to go on about those two bondage positions. ^-^

    The first had her kneeling on a platform with her ankles chained behind her to a pole, and her wrists tied out and forward to railings a few feet away. She's light and strong, I was concerned that this wouldn't be maintainable for very long but she stuck with it for quite a while, holding a fair amount of weight with wrists and shoulders. The position meant that her breasts were hanging down and very vulnerable (she couldn't pull away much), so I slapped hard and pinched hard and pulled hard quite a lot. She's got beautiful tits, and they were bright pink after several minutes of this. The position also put her ass in the air, which I took further advantage of.

    The second position flipped her over and swapped wrists and ankles- her hands were tied back over her head to the pole, and her ankles were held way out to the sides. She was thus held wide open for some of our best pussy spanking ever. Nikki can get off from having her cunt slapped, but being inescapably open and unable to close her legs like that made it a _whole_ lot tougher. She went back and forth between orgasms, screaming and struggling, and some very piteous pleading looks, for a long time.

    There's also an extra entertaining moment in the outtakes for this one. It was hot, my hands were sweaty and I was having trouble getting gloves on, so I had to run to the bathroom for towels to dry them. Nikki hung out in that last bondage setup, but made some comment about "well, maybe I could sing a little song." Maxx really liked the idea of her singing 'Amazing Grace', so we have video of a really hot girl singing a hymn while in a very explicit bondage tie. The key changes a few times, but you try singing while lying on your back with your legs in the air...

    Anyway, one of my favorite shoots, and I hope you like it!

  • I've always wanted to do this to a cop

    (Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)

    (No, Joelle isn't really an employee of any police department. She had this cute dress though, and I meet some hot law enforcement officers from time to time...)

    Joelle does SM play in her personal life, but my impression is she's really more into the glamor fetish modeling end of things. I'm glad we got her to walk a bit on the wild side, this was her first shoot with us and she came back for another. We had a good time, I got a whole bunch of firsts- first time she'd had her face slapped, first time playing with electricity, first time having her cunt spanked, probably more... Her responses are very genuine, and I feel like a Bad Man for liking her nervous laugh.

    This was a very exploratory scene- she and I had talked over dinner about what she liked, what she was curious about, etc, and the scene was about experimenting from that. She said that her top-three turnons were hair-pulling, spanking, and breath play, so we started with those and came back to them throughout. The first part of the scene was mostly her over my lap or kneeling on things while I spanked, slapped, and otherwise tormented her (probably my favorite bit is me briefly using a wooden paddle on her breasts- that was so much fun that I thought up a big part of the other shoot we did with her keeping that in mind).

    The second part of the scene involved her in a simple bondage position using a vertical chain and a spreader bar that I think really showed off her beautiful body:

    Joelle had expressed great interest in the electric flyswatter and the pokey-zappy-thing. Once she was immobilized, it didn't take long to satisfy her curiosity about those very completely. ^-^ I also beat her with a big piece of foam (hard swing, little impact, fun for the top who just wants to let go), slapped her breasts a bit more, and finished off the scene with her counting ten good hard slaps at her cunt for me, followed by two more stinging slaps on her face.

    You, gentle reader, should buy this shoot, and/or explore our many other shoots and buy one or more of them, so we'll be inspired to keep making more.

  • Dreina on the Rack

    (Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)

    I love shooting with Dreina! She's smart, sassy, sexy, and a TOTAL wiseass. Her mouth is constantly writing checks that her ass can't cover, which is just about the way I like it. Not that I need an excuse to hurt her, really, but it's nice to feel justified. *g*

    Also, she and I have been friends forever, so the chemistry is really good and the communication is really solid, which makes for some hot scenes. This particular one was our first time playing together on-camera, and one of my favorites overall.

    We started off with me using flex cuffs to secure her to the rack so that she'd be nice and still while I cut her clothes into tiny shreds with my knife. Once she was exposed, I had a lot of fun flogging, slapping and caning her breasts!

    She got VERY tender and sore in that area after a while, so I kindly alternated with some strokes of the horsehair and rubber whips to her cunt. I'm a helper.

    I saved the most fun part for last--at least, the most fun for me.

    I'm not exactly sure why cute, naked girls are even more cute when they're soaked and sputtering, but they are. It's one of the great mysteries of life. Hosing Dreina down with a huge squirtgun , aiming for her mouth when she made smart comments (so, like, several times a minute) was intensely gratifying. It also had the added bonus of making the last few minutes of impact sting even more.

    By this time we were both pretty done in, so I toweled her off and took her out of bondage. There was some entertaining rough scrubbing in the process. :) All in all, it was a most satisfying afternoon's work!

  • Emily being a smartass

    This is a sample clip from one of our earliest shoots (Playing with Emily), of Emily being a giant smartass under duress.

    The dialog:
    Me: Say 'thank you'.
    Emily: Thank you.
    Me: 'Thank you' again...
    Emily: Thank you again.
    Me: Say 'thank you' and mean it!
    Emily: Thank you and mean it!

    She's pretty cute. ^-^

    I thought it might be nice to give a sample of the video and audio quality of our older stuff, both so people won't be scared off by the 'older' label, and for comparison. This far back, we had a single inexpensive camcorder with its built-in mic, and a couple halogen worklights. This particular shoot remains one of my very favorites we've done (both for fun and for hotness), but our technical quality has improved a lot since then.

    We're posting shoots very much out of order, if you want a sense of how old a shoot is look at the number. 'tbm02' is the oldest and 'tbm48' is the newest at the moment. I think our equipment timeline is something like:
    tbm02-: halogen worklights, cheap camera, builtin mic
    tbm04-: slightly better lights, external mic
    tbm10-: shiny new camera, good external mic
    tbm11-: start shooting two-camera
    tbm13-: much better lights
    tbm16-: even better lights
    tbm23-: better second camera
    tbm35-: second really good external mic

    We also brought on a much better editor around tbm15- Red has edited most of our video since then, and I think she does a better job of telling a story than I do.

  • Nikki in Cable Ties

    Shorts avilable to purchase here, here, and here.

    I'm not so much about bondage usually- it's more a means to an end (cute helpless girl) than a scene in itself. I do like zipties though. This scene is more about bondage rather than our usual roughhousing, but we also played nice and hard. Nikki was really pretty immobilized in the setup we kept for most of the shoot, and I did mean things to her exposed like that. I'm very happy with the result!

    We started out experimenting with rigging- initially her arms were up following the X of the steel cross, but that just wasn't sustainable (we kept a few pictures though). Once we'd figured out a good position, we started playing. I used a horsehair whisk to target practice on the hood of her clit to make sure she couldn't go anywhere. ^-^ Then we _really_ got started...

    (Incidentally, if you've looked at her headshot on our models page and wondered about the little black halo over her head, that was from this shoot. We set up a ziptie to keep her head from falling back between the pokey metal bits on the cross.)

    Nikki isn't a fan of sting, she'd much prefer thud (cf the nice orgasm from flogging in 'Introducing Nikki'). I did want to push her though, so we went back and forth. I used a couple different paddle-type things on her breasts, thighs, and cunt, plus a bunch of slapping and other fun with my hands. I also spent some time tracing a sharp knife over her exposed skin. Nikki makes great sounds, and when you push her hard, her lower lip trembles _really_ nicely. I asked the video folks to make sure to catch that, and they did. ^-^

    Some of this shoot is a little edgy looking- we've done some heavier shoots intensity-wise, but there ended up being some scary-looking imagery in this one. The knife against her cunt, a bit of gently hitting her pubic mound with my closed fist, the look on her face while I was giving her some hard slaps up between her legs... The connection between us while we're doing it all is really visible, though. I think for me that's the hottest part of the scene, watching her struggle to process while looking right into my eyes, the back-and-forth of energy.

    I could have kept going with that part of the scene for about 497 years, including things we can't show on video but that Nikki and I would certainly enjoy. We had other stuff we wanted to do, though. She has a really cute butt, and you couldn't see it with her against the rack like that. So, we thought we'd take a break and bend her over a metal cage, ziptie-ing her ankles and wrists to it. While she was fastened down, I started working over her ass with a sap (which was really tough to handle), then switched off to a nice thuddy flogger.

    Nikki had never played with fire before, and was curious about it. So, eventually I used another ziptie to tie her hair up (fire + loose hair = bad), and fastened her back to the rack. Since this part of the scene wasn't going to be very long, I fastened her arms over her head the way we'd started, albeit in a slightly easier position. Fire's not really painful the way we did it, but it certainly gets the full attention of your hindbrain! We didn't get many pictures or much video of it, fire is tough to capture, but I think there's still enough to be worthwhile. Nikki liked it and expressed desire to do more, but we've never gotten around to it...

    Hope you enjoy this- please go buy the stills and video in the store! There's a button up above that'll take you there. ^-^

  • Stress Relief

    Buy shorts from this here, here, here, and here.

    We did this shoot a few days pre-christmas, and the holiday spirit of stress was in the air. So, Rose and I opted for a very straightforward scene: chain her up, slap/spank/paddle her breasts, slap/spank/paddle her ass, then flog the heck out of her back until she got off. No complicated theme, minimal planning, just a simple intense scene.

    The breast play was particularly good here. Rose has really nice tits and the bondage position was one that displayed and made them vulnerable, plus left her just mobile enough for good squirming and struggling. I've got a particular kink for slapping breasts around, and we spent plenty of time doing exactly that. There was also some good hard paddling of her ass, but the tit torture in this scene continues to be some of my very favorite.

    Rose was also clever and kept finding ways to unhook the wrist cuffs and grab at toys I was using on her- that made for a nice playful scene with lots of interaction that wasn't just physical. We had a fun time and I think both came out of it much more relaxed and happy with life than we'd gone in. You can watch the glee when she gets a bamboo skewer away from me and breaks it into little pieces...

    Once her ass and tits were bright (bright) red, we moved to the second part of the scene, a hard flogging. The focus of that was all about gratifying her, honestly, and I was happy to. The fundamental thing about flogging once you get past all the technical stuff is finding the right rhythm. There's the overall scene shape which you can view as an up and down rhythm of intensity, and the more specific timing and intensity of strokes to get someone where you're both trying to go. I spent some time exploring to find the right one with her, and she struggled with it, started crying pretty early on. We worked through the tears to cathartic release and orgasm for her, then some gentle aftercare and a good interview about her experience.

  • Manhandling Kelly

    (Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)

    This is another of our much older shoots, with our friend Kelly. Lauren and I had had a wonderful time co-topping her at a private party months before (thanks S!), and wanted to explore those possibilities further. Kelly was quite happy to oblige.

    The focused attention of TWO big mean people can be pretty overwhelming. Normally in a scene with one top and one bottom there's a little bit of contest to steer the scene, but with two-on-one most of the time the bottom can just enjoy the ride. ^-^ I say most of the time because if the two tops aren't able to sync up the contest ends up being between them, and it's not so fun for anybody. Fortunately, Lauren and I did a good job of this one, and Kelly had a blast.

    Have I mentioned how much I miss the wall in the basement where we used to shoot? We spent most of the scene working off that wall, taking turns holding Kelly while the other person did mean things to her. She _loves_ deep muscle grabs and strikes. We did a bunch of manhandling, punching, and even some tossing her back and forth between us. Lauren terrorized her with a really big knife for a while, but pretty much the whole scene other than that she was actively struggling. This meant that Lauren and I had a great time, too...

    We finished up with some water play- the scene we'd done at a party that inspired this one was built around Lauren and I finding out just how much water we could get Kelly to intake (and when she just couldn't drink anymore, how much she could osmose). That was outdoors- for this, we laid down a tarp and took turns pouring water over her. If you hold someone in place, and slowly pour water over their mouth, they can alternate drinking and breathing for a while, but eventually they _will_ start to panic. Kelly has exceptional control and managed pretty well, but still ended up quite thoroughly soaked.

  • Tormenting Sadee

    (Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)

    People either love or hate this shoot. It's one of the half-dozen or so we launched the old membership site with- Lauren didn't care for it, I liked it, a couple of our beta testers liked it a _lot_. Unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to shoot with Sadee again until pretty recently. Sadee was petrified of the video camera thus was kind of quiet, but we had good chemistry and did a bunch of fun stuff. We also had a nice D/s dynamic, similar to our more recent shoot.

    The scene is kind of two parts- the first is about what you'd expect from me, a pretty girl, and a concrete wall to work off of. Manhandling, flogging, a fair bit of flogging her tits with some horsehair, etc... The second part was prompted by it being really hot in there- small basement, summertime, hot lights. I had some chain I'd put in the freezer at the start of the shoot that I pulled out and tormented her with- pressing it against her various sensitive bits, some interesting impact, and eventually creating a body harness once it had warmed up a bit.

    This was a while ago, I had to go back and re-watch the video to remember what the heck we did. I'd forgotten that I spent so much time as I did hitting her cunt with the chain, that was pretty hot. Half-inch chain has some good thud to it even if you swing it VERY VERY GENTLY. (If you try something like this make sure the chain isn't too cold- think of what happens when you lick a flagpole. Also, be mindful of the chain pinching. ^-^)

    For some reason Sadee and I hit a really good Dominant/submissive dynamic that presents itself well on-camera, moreso than my other shoots I think. Partly that might be because I'm much more sadistic than dominant, but also it seems like the play partners I end up shooting with are more on the bratty side *coughlucycough* and tough to find that with in the short time we spend in front of the camera. Anyway, Sadee brings it out and I'm happy to be able to share that bit of what we do.

  • Dungeons and Dreina

    (Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)

    Playing with Dreina is always a great pleasure for me. We have happy, effortless chemistry (the result of years of off-camera friendship) and a fun sadist and brat dynamic. :) She's willing to try just about anything and she loves impact play, which is definitely a bonus! She's one of my favorite bottoms for doing lighthearted, silly-but-intense scenes with - scenes like this one, in fact.

    I thought that it would be entertaining to put a new use to my gaming dice. (I can hear you snickering. Stop it.) I assigned a body part to each value on the 6 sided die, a mean striking implement to each side of the 4 sided, and used a 12 sided die to determine number of strokes. Of course, I cheated outrageously, but Dreina wasn't really in a place to complain. *g*

    I had a nice big chart that helped make it look as though I wasn't just making up the rules as I went along. I was, of course, but the chart made it seem like everything was above board. We started off with a pre-scene interview and a review of the rules** of the game.

    I did actually have one "hard and fast" game rule: that anytime Dreina made a smart ass comment, I was going to paddle her mercilessly. If you've seen any of the shoots that we've done with her previously, you'll know that this was akin to telling her that she was going to be in trouble every time she inhaled.

    Once I had her firmly attached to the ceiling, I gave her a taste of a few of the different implements so that she would know what the stakes were - no, that's a lie. I just like swatting her.

    The first implement that came up was the paddle, a toy that Dreina is intimately familiar with. The thin synthetic cane that followed it was a new sensation for her, though! It's some of the most pure, wicked sting that you can imagine, and it's light enough to use on delicate areas. It leaves lovely welts, too.

    Somehow, Dreina kept rolling 12's--the highest amount of strokes possible. Isn't that strange? Of course, I might have been helping the dice along... just a bit.

    She also kept rolling for canes, so she was developing some nice stripes all over that lovely skin by mid-scene. When it seemed like a short break from impact play was called for, I chased her around with the "poky-zappy thingy." It's too bad that the lights were too bright to capture the sparks arcing from the tip of it, but at least we got the sounds (both the *pop* of the toy and the indignant noises from the girl) on the video.

    This went on for quite a bit--she'd roll the dice, I'd change them to whatever number suited me, she'd complain, I'd paddle her for complaining, and then I'd swat her nice and hard with a cane, paddle, flogger, or my hands.

    Earlier in the shoot, Dreina had promised me that she would give me anything I wanted in exchange for refraining from I-don't-remember-what-dastardly-act. I decided that what I really wanted "anything" to consist of was tethering down one ankle and then slapping her cunt a bunch. I knew that it would be tough for her to process--all the impact we did there had been--but I also knew that she could do it and that seeing her struggle would be extra-hot.

    We finished up with something satisfying for me (chasing her with the aforementioned zappy thing) and something satisfying for her (spinning around while being flogged with horsehair, kind of automatic-carwash-style). We were both too done in by then to wind things up to a dramatic climax (or any kind of climax, really; I guess we'll save the big vibrator for the next shoot), but we ended with smiles and laughter and with both of us wanting to play again, which is even better in my book.

    **I get to do whatever I want and you get to take it because you're chained to the ceiling.