Recruiting Emily
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
This was an entertaining little scene- very early on, we were experimenting with on-camera roleplay (verdict- Russell can't act). Emily and I had fun doing our psuedo-military thing, though. The idea was that 'Tyler' was trying to join my nonspecified-paramilitary-type-unit (with paintball gear in the background because I had some). I treat 'him' just like I would any guy trying to join up- making him do pushups, testing his obedience, fondling him inappropriately, etc. I eventually pick up on her actual gender and continue the induction process with more nudity. :) Plenty of forced exercise, and some nice boot worship.
Having Fun With Emily
Buy shorts from this here, here, here, here, and here.
Emily is _adorably_ cute. We didn't particularly plan out this shoot, just played with the stuff we both like. Lots of play with sharp metal things, impact on sensitive bits, etc. Much of the first part of the shoot she's not restrained at all, on purpose so I could watch her struggle to hold still while I did terrible things to her. ^-^ She was a good girl but did squeak and squirm quite a bit, so eventually some bondage was needed. Once she was pretty immobile, I told her to shake her tits for me or I'd do more mean things. That was of course grossly unfair, but she did her best.
The second part of the scene included a first for Emily (imagine, she'd never had someone smear tiger balm in her asshole). This got intense pretty fast, but we were able to recover nicely. We finished with some unique uses for flash cotton, read on for details...
I've got a friend who's been experimenting with spinning flash cotton into thread. Months (and months and months) before this shoot, Emily and I had played very briefly off-camera with setting the thread on her and igniting it. She'd thought this was just the coolest thing since sliced bread, but moved away before we could play further. She came back for a visit and this shoot, and she was _really_ excited to have a chance to play with it some more. It worked quite well, we used it a few different ways. I think my favorite was having her sitting on the floor to light for herself the end of a long 'fuse' running along the floor to her feet, then back up along her leg to a pile of loose flash cotton sitting on her pubic mound. Taking an action to initiate something you're scared of is a lot tougher than having someone do it for you, and she also had plenty of time to think about it while the fuse burned. Fear is hot.IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE: This was fun and sexy, Emily had a (ahem) blast and wants to do it again, but I think I'd stick to loose cotton if I were to do this another time. Spinning the flash cotton down to thread means it burns slower. That's handy for psychological effects involving duration, but means there's more heat transferred. The sensation is thus more intense (which Emily also liked), but also involves a greater risk of burns. We'd played with it before and she'd had no marks, but this scene left some surface marking that I gather took a few weeks to go away.
IMPORTANT SAFETY DISCLAIMER: Fire burns. Don't play with fire without knowing the risks and how to mitigate them to a level that's acceptable to the _informed_ consent of everyone involved. Reading a couple articles on the Internet is really not adequate research! If there's a BDSM group in your area, find someone who knows what they're doing in real life, and learn from them. There's a book out there (link), but it's not the same thing- learn and practice with a person if you want to do this.
Emily being a smartass
This is a sample clip from one of our earliest shoots (Playing with Emily), of Emily being a giant smartass under duress.
The dialog:
Me: Say 'thank you'.
Emily: Thank you.
Me: 'Thank you' again...
Emily: Thank you again.
Me: Say 'thank you' and mean it!
Emily: Thank you and mean it!
(*WHACK*WHACK*WHACK*... )She's pretty cute. ^-^
I thought it might be nice to give a sample of the video and audio quality of our older stuff, both so people won't be scared off by the 'older' label, and for comparison. This far back, we had a single inexpensive camcorder with its built-in mic, and a couple halogen worklights. This particular shoot remains one of my very favorites we've done (both for fun and for hotness), but our technical quality has improved a lot since then.
We're posting shoots very much out of order, if you want a sense of how old a shoot is look at the number. 'tbm02' is the oldest and 'tbm48' is the newest at the moment. I think our equipment timeline is something like:
tbm02-: halogen worklights, cheap camera, builtin mic
tbm04-: slightly better lights, external mic
tbm10-: shiny new camera, good external mic
tbm11-: start shooting two-camera
tbm13-: much better lights
tbm16-: even better lights
tbm23-: better second camera
tbm35-: second really good external micWe also brought on a much better editor around tbm15- Red has edited most of our video since then, and I think she does a better job of telling a story than I do.
Emily's Makeover
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
This is an older shoot (as evidenced by the mohawk I'm sporting in it - yes, it is possible to track the chronology of the shoots by my changing hairstyle *g*), but a really hot one. It was Maxx's and my first time co-topping on camera, and for some reason the only feature I've ever done with our adorable Emily. (I think Russell tends to monopolize her, go figure.)
Em had been angling for a shoot with Maxx and I, and she also was ready to have her hair rather drastically cut. She had long ago promised me first dibs on any head-shaving she might do, so we worked out a plan that combined all those elements...
We set the scene with Maxx and I making out in our "secret clubhouse". We were interrupted before things got too hot by a little mouse-sound at the door--one made by a spying Emily. We dragged her in at knifepoint, and then proceeded to initiate her into our gang. Every clubhouse needs a pet!What followed was a hot process of making our little mouse over into something presentable. We began by altering her clothing, one bladecut and tear at a time. Once we got her down to a few tattered rags, we punished her for eavedropping and made sure that she was tough enough for us with extended paddling, breast torment, and general rough manhandling.
The final "initiation" was my favorite part. We had our new pet, now red-assed and decorated with the word 'slut' scrawled across her skin, pose for us on her hands and knees. With our knives (ouch!) and then with clippers, we shaved her head, leaving her with a floppy purple bihawk--much more suitable to her new status. ;)
The roleplay in this shoot was really fun and really immersive. By the end of it, all 3 of us felt like Emily had been "adopted" by Maxx and I. I often feel a sense of protective/possesive-ness at the close of scene when I'm topping, but this was my first strong experience of that during filming. I think it adds to the hotness of the overall feature.
Playing With Emily
Buy shorts from this here, here, here, here, or here.
This was one of our _really_ early shoots- my first time topping on camera. We shot it back in early 2004, using just one camera (we switched to two around the end of that year), with a couple halogen worklights for lighting. It remains one of my absolute favorites. Emily is adorable, it was the first time we'd really played and we ended up having excellent chemistry.
We did a whole bunch of different stuff, experimenting with what was hot, and how far I could push her. Lauren and I had our first experience of self-censorship with one particular bit. In it, I'm tormenting her nipples with bamboo skewers, can tell she's about to break down, and decide to push her to tears. She was fine with that, we'd negotiated it (on-camera, even), but the initial push just sounded too scary. Lauren and I had some good fights about that one, we ultimately ended up trimming a little piece. We also came up with some agreements for how we were going to handle that discussion when it came up again (and it has).
There's still crying girl in there though, those of you who (like me) appreciate such things. Various other stuff: Emily in a _cute_ little schoolgirl outfit (I have a near-fetish for pretty girls in white oxfords with nothing underneath), spanking, lots and lots of breast-slapping, fucking her throat with my fingers, some suction play on her nipples, an electric flyswatter, a little bit of flogging, Emily's tight little body doing forced jumping jacks... it was a long scene, she's very rumpled and very happy at the end of it.