Beating Maxx
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
This shoot was tough to do and tough to capture on camera for a number of reasons. Our main photographer couldn't make it, so we had someone else step in at pretty short notice (thanks, Jeanette!). For most of the first half of the shoot, the next-door tenants were playing Really Bad Dance Music at club-level volumes - distracting, to say the least! (Hey, you try being a big, bad top with disco deedleing loudly in the background. :P ) To add to the chaos, we lost a whole card of stills from near the beginning of the shoot due to technical difficulties. And those weren't the only ways things didn't go as planned...
Maxx is my primary partner, and we play in a very connected, high-chemistry way. Ordinarily, she's a massive painslut, wearing out my arms before she's anywhere close to done. This scene began as a fairly straightforward impact play set, but quickly became something more cathartic. Due to a number of factors, she was having a much tougher time than usual processing intense sensation, which turned the tears on much earlier than either of us anticipated. We played through it because we were both still enjoying ourselves deeply - as the smiles during and after the tears will attest - but it remains a good example of how scenes have a way of taking on a shape of their own regardless of either player's intent.
We began with some garden-variety roughhousing, which soon evolved into a lot of me hitting Maxx with the Mean Thuddy Stick-thing of Doom. The original idea was for me to push her past the pre-negotiated bratting stage to a point where she was willing to beg me to put a pronged training collar on her. Because of the direction the scene went, we never reached that goal - but it gave me something to play with for next time!
She had been making smartassed comments about the "giant zip-ties" that Russell and I are so fond of. I had planned to cuff her hands behind her back with them, but decided to use them as an impact toy first. As you might imagine, they pack a MEAN sting. Afterwards, I used them for their intended purpose while flogging her until she decided that they weren't quite as funny anymore. It was a hot, fun bit - and due to the aforementioned camera difficulties, we don't have any stills from it. You should be able to see it on the video, though!
I experimented with a couple lazy-top forms of bondage (a scratchy hemp lasso and then suspension cuffs clipped to an overhead chain and pulley set) while I alternated between thuddy impact (which Maxx loves) and stingy impact (which she violently hates).
One of my favorite toys was particularly tough for her--a heavy flogger made from "vegan leather" (rubber, for all intents and purposes), with narrow tails that split again halfway down the fall. Viciously stingy, very scratchy, and beautiful for raising marks! A short, intense flogging with that brought her to tears for the second time in the shoot.
I decided to finish her off with one of her favorites, a whip that I actually bought specifically for her. It's made of heavy buffalo hide, extremely thick and almost luxurious. It packs one hell of a WHOMP - it's the thuddiest toy that I own.
The flogging went on for much longer than is obvious from the stills, and by the end of it, she was feeling pretty done in. We took a break, to give her arms a rest (being bound up in that position is surprisingly exhausting) and decided that it was a good time to call it done. We were both floppy and endorphin high and ready to curl up together. Even though nothing happened as planned, it was still a wonderfully fun shoot for us!
(107 stills, 36:33 of video, plus outtakes (640x480 QuickTime @900kbps), 259MB total)
Hands On
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
Shooting with Maxx is always a joy. She's my primary partner off-camera, so we know each others bodies and kinks very well. That usually translates as a whole bunch of chemistry on camera, and this shoot was no exception. We did a lot of edgy play, but somehow what comes across is more sweet than anything, I think.
We thought that it would be fun to do a scene entirely without toys. There's an intimacy to playing with just your bare hands that no implement can match. I admit that i did cheat, a little, but I justified it by saying that knives are tools, not toys. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it...
I remember that she was in an extremely bratty mood that day. We're both switches, which can make for amusing energy struggle at times. Given the opportunity, 9 times out of 10, Maxx will try to flip me. Sometimes I let her, and sometimes I don't, but I wasn't having it this time! *g*
I got her hands cuffed behind her (cuffs are accessories, not toys, right?) and started doing very mean things to her nipples right away. I wanted that takedown energy, hard and fast, to drop her. She didn't go down easy, and watching her struggle with sensation and stubbornness and her own desire is a big part of what's hot about this shoot for me. I wanted to pit her against her own obstinacy--to do things that were hard for her until she asked me to stop, or until she complied in some other way.
We did a lot of impact play, closed fist strikes on her upper arms and chest, and some deep hard muscle grabs. That wasn't too tough for her, but the open-handed slaps on her ass and thighs were. Maxx HATES stingy sensations, but the fact that she was already high as a kite on endorphins helped her process them, and gave us both a nice feeling of "pushing". (Never believe that bare hands can't inflict as much pain as most toys. The marks of my palm were still visible on her inner thighs a week later!)
I also took advantage of her position to do some breath and bloodflow restriction play, which is something that turns us both on a lot. Most people lump these types of play together, but the sensation they provoke is very different. Blood flow restriction - choking - evokes a very languid sort of feeling for most folks, whereas breathplay most often creates a panic reaction. Both are very, very hot--and neither should be attempted without doing thorough research on the subject first.
Eventually my hands got quite tired, so I added my boots and teeth to the mix. I pushed her around on the floor with my Docs for a while, but then the temptation of having her down there was too much for me to resist. She's very good with her hands as well, you see, and with her mouth...
I wanted to prolong things for a bit longer. Rather than letting myself get off against her tongue right away, I made her stop what she was doing and lavish the same care on my boots. That was a delicious torment for both of us, but we didn't have much tape left and I'm not made of stone, so I pulled her back to me. It's usually difficult for me to come in front of the cameras, but this time I totally forgot that they were there. Hooray for good chemistry (and a very talented girlfriend)!
Orgasm is one of my favorite ways to end a scene--especially if it's mine--so we let things draw to a close after this. You can tell by the matching grins on our faces that we were both very happy with how it went. In fact, we were impatient to get home so that we could play some more! :)
Pirate vs. Ninja
Buy this here!
Here's something a bit different from our usual fare! A couple of years ago, a local alternative press paper called The Stranger decided to run an amateur porn contest. We thought that it would be good promo, a great sex-positive cause, and most importantly, a lot of fun, so we entered it.
We knew that we wouldn't be targeting a specifically BDSM-friendly audience, so we wanted to keep things on the light-hearted side, but without sacrificing the things that would make it hot for us. We tossed around a couple of ideas (some of which may yet make it into future contests) before we decided to tackle the age-old battle between pirates and ninjas.
My girlfriend Maxx was cast as the strong, silent ninja type, and I took on the role of her natural enemy, the swashbuckling pirate. The "booty" was fetchingly portrayed by one of our lovely friends.
The whole experience was a blast from beginning to end. As off-camera primary partners, Maxx and I have some pretty intense chemistry. I have to admit that I completely forgot that the camera was rolling during our sex scene! This shoot also contained my very first porn-incurred injury (a sprained ankle during one of the fencing bits), some great lines both on-camera ("You're not bad-lookin'--for a ninja!") and off ("I'm not wearing anything under my gi."), and some entertaining outtakes (watch the credits).
The screening festival for the finalists was also highly entertaining--and a bit embarrassing. It's one thing to shoot porn, but it's another to see yourself 8 ft. tall and having sex while 200 other folks watch beside you!
This may be the only time you'll see glimpses of the "bottom" half of my switchy identity on camera. I have to say that being katana-fucked by a ninja on the big screen was a life goal that I didn't even know that I had until it was met. *g*
Emily's Makeover
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
This is an older shoot (as evidenced by the mohawk I'm sporting in it - yes, it is possible to track the chronology of the shoots by my changing hairstyle *g*), but a really hot one. It was Maxx's and my first time co-topping on camera, and for some reason the only feature I've ever done with our adorable Emily. (I think Russell tends to monopolize her, go figure.)
Em had been angling for a shoot with Maxx and I, and she also was ready to have her hair rather drastically cut. She had long ago promised me first dibs on any head-shaving she might do, so we worked out a plan that combined all those elements...
We set the scene with Maxx and I making out in our "secret clubhouse". We were interrupted before things got too hot by a little mouse-sound at the door--one made by a spying Emily. We dragged her in at knifepoint, and then proceeded to initiate her into our gang. Every clubhouse needs a pet!What followed was a hot process of making our little mouse over into something presentable. We began by altering her clothing, one bladecut and tear at a time. Once we got her down to a few tattered rags, we punished her for eavedropping and made sure that she was tough enough for us with extended paddling, breast torment, and general rough manhandling.
The final "initiation" was my favorite part. We had our new pet, now red-assed and decorated with the word 'slut' scrawled across her skin, pose for us on her hands and knees. With our knives (ouch!) and then with clippers, we shaved her head, leaving her with a floppy purple bihawk--much more suitable to her new status. ;)
The roleplay in this shoot was really fun and really immersive. By the end of it, all 3 of us felt like Emily had been "adopted" by Maxx and I. I often feel a sense of protective/possesive-ness at the close of scene when I'm topping, but this was my first strong experience of that during filming. I think it adds to the hotness of the overall feature.
Enjoying Maxx
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
This was the first shoot we ever used, and my first time playing with my real-life primary partner, Maxx, while the video camera rolled. It's still one of my very favorites, though it will be obvious to anyone who's seen our recent work that we've learned a LOT more about video, sound, and lighting since then.
Maxx and I have great energy together, and I think that it shines through better in this shoot than in any that we've done. We didn't really have much of a plan of action, IIRC...we just started doing the things that we both enjoy. We started with some takedown, wrestling-about bondage and boot worship, then moved to the rack for intense thuddy impact and knifeplay. She was in sort of a "bratty creature" role for much of the scene, so we explored that and had fun with it.
We wrapped things up with cocksucking (the debut of the "OMG-that's-huge" camo cock!) and rough, happy, connected fucking--my favorite way to end things with Maxx!