Pirate vs. Ninja
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Here's something a bit different from our usual fare! A couple of years ago, a local alternative press paper called The Stranger decided to run an amateur porn contest. We thought that it would be good promo, a great sex-positive cause, and most importantly, a lot of fun, so we entered it.
We knew that we wouldn't be targeting a specifically BDSM-friendly audience, so we wanted to keep things on the light-hearted side, but without sacrificing the things that would make it hot for us. We tossed around a couple of ideas (some of which may yet make it into future contests) before we decided to tackle the age-old battle between pirates and ninjas.
My girlfriend Maxx was cast as the strong, silent ninja type, and I took on the role of her natural enemy, the swashbuckling pirate. The "booty" was fetchingly portrayed by one of our lovely friends.
The whole experience was a blast from beginning to end. As off-camera primary partners, Maxx and I have some pretty intense chemistry. I have to admit that I completely forgot that the camera was rolling during our sex scene! This shoot also contained my very first porn-incurred injury (a sprained ankle during one of the fencing bits), some great lines both on-camera ("You're not bad-lookin'--for a ninja!") and off ("I'm not wearing anything under my gi."), and some entertaining outtakes (watch the credits).
The screening festival for the finalists was also highly entertaining--and a bit embarrassing. It's one thing to shoot porn, but it's another to see yourself 8 ft. tall and having sex while 200 other folks watch beside you!
This may be the only time you'll see glimpses of the "bottom" half of my switchy identity on camera. I have to say that being katana-fucked by a ninja on the big screen was a life goal that I didn't even know that I had until it was met. *g*