Examining London
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
Neither London nor I are particularly actors, but we tried here. No awards in store, but it did help get both our heads in the right places for the scene. We'd played before for fun, so I had some idea what her kinks were and designed the scene around them. The idea was that she was wandering a dark hallway alone when I pounced on her, wrestled her to the ground, made her sign a very silly release form, then subjected her to various medical 'tests'.
The wrestling was really fun, although I will say that it's harder than you'd think to wrestle someone into signing a piece of paper. I was glad I brought multiple copies.
Once I had her naked, a form signed (see!), and her wrists riot-cuffed behind her, I dragged her into my 'exam room'. We shot this at The Wet Spot, so we got to use the room set up specially for medical play, including an obgyn table. ^-^ I think most medical exams don't involve quite such cold, sharp, and invasive metal tools, nor particularly a big metal D-cell flashlight.
"My sampling tool records wet and dilated girl, indicating a strong sexual response. Further viscosity testing reveals the lubrication to be adequate for rectal examination..."
Kitty's Cookies
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
This was kind of a different shoot than our usual deal- more posed, less kinetic, but plenty of penetration. It was the first time I'd shot with someone who wasn't a regular play partner (early shoot!), and we wanted to experiment with something different. I think it worked out okay, there are definitely a number of good moments, but we've pretty much stuck with our strengths since.
We role-played that Kitty was selling cookies for *ahem* some youth organization. Or maybe I was luring her in with cookies. Something like that. Roleplay not always my strong suit. ^-^ I still did some of my usual roughing-up-against-the-wall, which she really liked. After feeding her a cookie, I gave her a thorough spanking, then a _special_ spanking with a good-sized silicone cock- first over my lap then with her wrists chained to the base of a Saint Andrew's Cross. We finished up the scene chaining her up with her back to the rack while I beat her with a wet noodle. Okay, not technically a wet noodle, but about the same mass. This is more fun than you might think because you can get a really satisfying swing, say at a pretty girl's cunt, without doing damage. After I'd hit her Very Personal And Private Kitty Bits really hard a few times, she was done and we wrapped up with a quick exit interview.
cute behind-the-scenes shot behind the cut...
Rose is Hot
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It was gawdawful hot when we shot this, and I wasn't looking forward to wrestling around in front of all the hot lights. We came up with a good plan, though- a whole scene built almost entirely around ice and water. We started with my usual roughhousing against the wall (plus the first time we used the pokey-zappy-thing!), but once she was thoroughly soaked switched to hard impact play and penetration with a big camo-colored cock, combined in various ways with cold water, hot water, and a couple hundred pounds of cold ice.
This was the first time Rose Algren and I had played together, so the initial smacking-her-around-against-a-wall bit of the scene was important for us both to get a feel for each other. Rose looks pretty femme, but she's tough in my favorite way- she likes to push hard. You can also hit her nice and hard (no idea how long those bruises on her thighs lasted), but the fun part for me is someone who'll let you take them to tears and stay right there with you. Rose also bounces back really fast, which is entertaining- you can do something that hurts so much she'll be in tears, but give her a few seconds to recover and she'll be giggling and asking you to do it again. As we've gotten to know each other I've figured out more of how she works, but that first bit of our first scene is hot to watch.
We did a lot of different stuff over the course of this shoot, even edited down pretty aggressively it's long. Trying to motivate her to let me use the pokey-zappy-thing on her crotch was fun. I used a metal ruler for this, and came back to it periodically- slapping her pubic mound with it left some pretty marks. Spanking her breasts with it as we were working toward the end of the scene, I was tapping pretty lightly until she said "you should really hit me with that thing." You'll be amused by what she did immediately afterwards, of course... :/
We did a bunch of wrestling around with me trying to apply blocks of ice to various portions of her anatomy, holding her down in the ice while drenching her with hot and/or cold water, and that worked great. Fucking her while she was on hands and knees over the ice didn't work super well, but using a light foam bat to beat the base of the dildo later went swimmingly.
One tricky thing about all the water and ice play was that our only location for it at the time was the shower at the Wet Spot. This meant that Rose and I were crammed in to a smallish room, along with lights and three camera people. This was actually quite challenging but I think we pulled it off. Working in three dimensions made it- Maxx was running one video camera from the top of a ladder in one corner, Red was running the other tucked low in to a different corner, Kurt was running around taking stills and trying to stay out of everyone's way (although he did catch his camera strap on one of the shower handles as he was creeping under it, leading to an inadvertent shower). I'm not even sure how Maxx managed to survive up near the ceiling with the lights going...
London Wired
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
London is a friend of ours who really kinks on medical play and sharp, shiny things. I'd done a shoot with her before focusing on that, but I had another idea. A local SM shop (unfortunately no longer in business) had a 'extra-scary-things' cabinet with some interesting toys in it. The two that had been catching my eye lately were a stainless-steel speculum with terminal for attaching electrical leads, and a knife similarly equipped. I was looking for an excuse to buy them, so I called London and asked how she felt about electrical play. Surprisingly, she hadn't done much, just a bit of messing around with a violet wand. One trip to the store later... ^-^
We spent pretty much the whole shoot with her in the sling (other than a brief break where I chased her around it), in just the one position, but it doesn't feel monotonous. We used the electrified knife, electrified speculum, an electrified butt plug I already owned, regular contact pads, a non-electrified but thoroughly huge dildo, plus a toy that Lauren and I still call 'the pokey-zappy thing' (sort of like an electric flyswatter, but with just a pair of contacts on the end of it- the person who makes it calls it a 'tzapper'). With all the different ways those can be combined and applied to one person's genitals (poor London- not), plus our good chemistry, we really had a good time.
The interesting stuff with TENS unit play is experimenting with different current paths, and different waveform patterns. The electricity flips nerve switches, and makes muscles contract. So, a hard pulse every half second feels very different from a light hundred-hertz buzz, feels different from an escalatingly-intense *squeeze* as you watch the dial turn up. Then running that current through two poles on a butt plug, or contact patches to either side of someone's clit, or one pole on an electrified speculum and the other on the flat of a knife blade touched to some poor girl's perineum... provokes different sensations. Also, current density changes as the point of contact gets smaller- even a very small amount of current run through the edge of a knife is _really_ intense.
We had good interaction throughout this scene- London is very good about communicating where she's at, both verbally and via various forms of screaming. ^-^ She dropped into a nice headspace over the course of the scene, and at the end was asking me very nicely to please use the pokey-zappy-thing on her inner labia and handling it pretty well. The flash of the spark is very quick, but still shows up on the video probably half the time. The 'pop,' and her reaction, show up every time.
Lucy is a Brat
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This is one of my Top 5 Favorite Shoots We've Ever Done. Lucy is a pretty 18 year old redhead with a great body who likes to play hard. She and I had just started dating so we had pretty good chemistry, and did some _hot_ things.
Lucy's really bratty, into resistance and finding ways to poke at her play partners. She's pretty cute about it, and I'm a sucker for cute so I let her get away with too much. Like I said, she likes to play hard, which can look scary and I also didn't want to end up with a bunch of material we couldn't use. The end result was a bunch of really hot footage, some of it at the edge of what we're willing to publish, with her trying to brat me into being even meaner.
This shoot is one of two we've done so far that was so long, and so hot, that we needed to split it into two parts. The first is us playing around with spanking and tickling and paddling of various bits, first against the rack then putting her in a collar and attaching it to a point in the floor. The second picks up there with her neck chained to the floor and her ass in the air. I work a decent-sized plug into her, then tap on it with a paddle while she uses a vibrator to get herself to a beautiful orgasm. I toss her around a bit while she's still recovering from that, then chain her back down to the floor and make her reach back and pull her cheeks apart for a good hard spanking on her opened-up little asshole. (Have I mentioned that this was a really hot shoot?) We finish off the second part with some wrestling around while I use a belt on her. I was hoping to push her to tears- we didn't quite get there but there's some very nice screaming.Reading back over that, the first part doesn't sound very exciting compared to the second, but I think it is. She looks hot writhing around with her hands stretched over her head attached to the rack, and some of that paddling is with a clear lucite paddle on her cunt. There's also great back-and-forth throughout the whole shoot. She's adorably cute, and very visibly having a great time.
Enjoying Maxx
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
This was the first shoot we ever used, and my first time playing with my real-life primary partner, Maxx, while the video camera rolled. It's still one of my very favorites, though it will be obvious to anyone who's seen our recent work that we've learned a LOT more about video, sound, and lighting since then.
Maxx and I have great energy together, and I think that it shines through better in this shoot than in any that we've done. We didn't really have much of a plan of action, IIRC...we just started doing the things that we both enjoy. We started with some takedown, wrestling-about bondage and boot worship, then moved to the rack for intense thuddy impact and knifeplay. She was in sort of a "bratty creature" role for much of the scene, so we explored that and had fun with it.
We wrapped things up with cocksucking (the debut of the "OMG-that's-huge" camo cock!) and rough, happy, connected fucking--my favorite way to end things with Maxx! -
Madison In Trouble
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Holy crap was this hot. This is the most recent shoot Madison Young and I did together, which makes me think we should bring her back in to town. I think Lauren's got dibs, though... :/ We did a long two-part scene, and each one ended up so long and so good that needed to split the update into two pieces. Editing conservatively, there was still about an hour and ten minutes of video.
The first part of the scene started with Madison and I wrestling around on a mat, with her increasingly naked. I had fun mauling her in the process, we both worked up a sweat. The bulk of the first part though is just her chained up spread-eagled against a big piece of bondage furniture, going back and forth between slapping her tits, and slapping her cunt, all nice and hard. Back, and forth, and back and forth, for quite a long time, while the aforementioned bits got redder and redder. I kind of played a little game- slapping her tits until she said they were very sore, then slapping her cunt until she decided her tits were only kinda sore, then back. I gather the 'kinda sore' vs 'really sore' decision got increasingly difficult.
The second part of the scene was very distinct from the first, I think it makes sense to split them up (although outtakes from both are combined in the second one). I strapped her in to a spanking bench so her ass was in the air- we did this shoot at The Wet Spot, so had plenty of furniture to choose from. I then used a bunch of web straps to hold her down and her thighs apart. This gave very good access to her cunt and asshole, which I took advantage of with slaps from my hand and a stingy little flogger, then teasing her mouth and both orifices with a sharp knife. The knife in her mouth was _so_ hot. Somewhere in there she also had a very nice orgasm while I fucked her with four fingers (stupid US laws against showing fisting, otherwise I probably would have been fucking her with my hand). We moved on to me using an acrylic cane, first in the traditional application then slid up inside her ass while I hit it (the cane, not her ass) with a different one. We finished up the scene with her counting ten good hard strokes across her bottom.You see why we divided it up into two. ^-^