Kitty's Cookies
(Sorry, not available to purchase at the moment - this will eventually be on Lovingly Handmade Pornography.)
This was kind of a different shoot than our usual deal- more posed, less kinetic, but plenty of penetration. It was the first time I'd shot with someone who wasn't a regular play partner (early shoot!), and we wanted to experiment with something different. I think it worked out okay, there are definitely a number of good moments, but we've pretty much stuck with our strengths since.
We role-played that Kitty was selling cookies for *ahem* some youth organization. Or maybe I was luring her in with cookies. Something like that. Roleplay not always my strong suit. ^-^ I still did some of my usual roughing-up-against-the-wall, which she really liked. After feeding her a cookie, I gave her a thorough spanking, then a _special_ spanking with a good-sized silicone cock- first over my lap then with her wrists chained to the base of a Saint Andrew's Cross. We finished up the scene chaining her up with her back to the rack while I beat her with a wet noodle. Okay, not technically a wet noodle, but about the same mass. This is more fun than you might think because you can get a really satisfying swing, say at a pretty girl's cunt, without doing damage. After I'd hit her Very Personal And Private Kitty Bits really hard a few times, she was done and we wrapped up with a quick exit interview.
cute behind-the-scenes shot behind the cut...